Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

I'd Celebrate That!!! Feb. 20-21: Love Your Pet Day Today

From Checkiday.


CLEAN OUT YOUR BOOKCASE DAY--  Dust it, wipe it down, arrange it, donate what you don't need.  I need to seriously dust my bookcases.  I should, but won't donate any books.  Sorry.  I like 'em, even if I haven't read them.

LOVE YOUR PET DAY--  Well over half of Americans have one or more.  My sister has lots of cats.  I mean, lots.  But I still have more books.  We've only had one pet, a dog named Brandy.

NATIONAL CHERRY PIE DAY--  What would Homer do?


CARD READING DAY--  If you've kept any that were sent over the years, time to pull it out and read it.  Brings back the memories, I reckon.

SINGLE TASKING DAY--  Multi-tasking causes mistakes and takes too much time.  I'm not listening to Chris Stapleton's "Traveller" right now.  Not much, anyway.

NATIONAL STICKY BUN DAY--  Loves my sticky buns.  Don't sit on them though.  Real messy.  Better to eat.

Don't Touch MY BOOKS!!!   --RoadDog

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