Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

I'd Celebrate That!!! Feb. 23-24: National Toast Day and World Bartender Day


CURLING IS COOL DAY--  A strange sport, but interesting.  Might be an ice problem with me if that is what they play on.

NATIONAL BANANA BREAD DAY--**  Thinking about a piece of one of those right out of the oven right now.

NATIONAL TOAST DAY (UK)--**  Few things better than a warm piece of toast with jelly and dripping butter and washing it down with tomato juice.

PLAY TENNIS DAY--  No big fan.


WORLD BARTENDER DAY--  **  I really like my bartenders Barb, Heather, Wendy, Rocky, Don, Karen, Trudy and Kelly.   Extra tips today, folks.

NATIONAL TORTILLA CHIP DAY--  **  A favorite healthy food choice.

NATIONAL TRADING CARD DAY--  **  I still have a lot of may baseball cards.

Warm Banana Bread Day.  Just Think of It.  --RoadDog

COME SAIL AWAY:  According to myth, a siren known as Lorelei lured sailors to their deaths on what river?


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