Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Just Got Back-- Got My McRibs

Arrived home about two hours ago after two days on the road with about 1050 more miles under the wheels.

Rained most of the way, and yesterday some serious fog as I was climbing the mountains into Virginia on I-77. A smattering of snow as I neared home.

I was able to get my McRibs last night and this evening. Last night it was at the McDonald's in Zanesville, Ohio, and earlier today they were at the one in Gibson City, Illinois.

The Gibson City experience was one of the slowest ever. There were two customers ahead of me and I ended up waiting about ten minutes before placing my order. Had it not been a chance to get at that delight, I would have been so out of there. The things I will endure for one!!!

Then, while eating, a train caused a backup on Il-47. As I left. another train blocked traffic north of town, then stopped and backed up. Curses on you Frank.

Full and Glad to Be Home. --RoadDog

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