Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Ten Most Annoying Time-Wasters-- Part 1

From July 9, 2010, Listverse.

10.  Blow-In Cards in magazines.  You know, the "special off" cards that get put in magazines that are always falling out.  Actually, we ought to just start mailing them all in (left blank of course).  All that postage due might get them to start attaching them.

9.  Extension cords and water hoses getting tangled up.  I have a water hose in the back that even if you just look at it, gets a crimp.  If i wasn't so cheap I'd buy a new one.  Oh yeah, Christmas string lights.

8.  Red Lights (Read my way to beat 'em in my RoadLog Blog)..

7.  Microsoft Products (Especially of late)  "Sorry, but Windows has to shut down."  What do you mean, no more updates??!!!

6.  Telemarketers  (Well, just hit your automatic electric shocker.)

Make My Day.  --RoadDog

YOGI-ISM:  "I didn't say the things I said."

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